Linda writes:
Let me start with my simple statement of last evening: simply beautiful and awesome.
Last evening went on a whale sunset/moonrise cruise. The timing of the moonrise and sunset was that we would be able to see both and the moon was almost full and it is a super moon.

Started off heading northeast out of the inlet on a mostly clear evening with sone clouds and haze. Temperature on the water was mild to cool with it feeling perfect adding a layer to keep comfortable. Around Long Branch, a spout was spotted and we found a humpback whale! We were treated to some up close views as the whale at times as he swam over to us. Saw his tail many times and when he lifted it, the passengers were delighted and oohed and aahed. The children onboard were fantastic in finding the whale and saying “tail, tail, tail” hoping each time the whale would raise his tail!

The whale did some lunge feeding through bait balls and some tail throwing and lobbing! Wow, wow, wow! The power of that motion and strength as it hits the water with a loud “ thump”!
As the evening proceeded, the sun was setting in a beautiful pink haze that casted it’s pink onto the ocean. The whale was swimming in the pinks and silver and gold colors making everything look so beautiful. The sun eventually was hidden by clouds/haze as sunset time approached. Looking east, the moon rose from behind the haze, a beautiful full moon! Spoke to people from Indiana and they were in awe. It was fun being able to experience this trip with them. Okay, does it get any better? Saw everything I hoped for: whale, sunset and moonrise, beautiful evening! The Jersey Girl delivered the perfect trip!